Wallingford Consultancy is pleased to offer the UK’s Institute of Concrete Technology (ICT) qualifications in the Malaysia.
ICT manages an up-to-date, industry recognised four-stage qualification “Concrete Technology & Construction” scheme, which is directly linked to its professional grades of membership. The ICT offers designatory letters AMICT, MICT, or FICT to appropriately qualified individuals, either by its own highly regarded examinations or via an alternative qualifications route. ICT membership status is internationally recognised and highly valued, with its attainment widely viewed as a significant personal achievement and a benchmark of competence and professional standing. The graded progression routes for individuals leading to ICT membership are illustrated in the figure below.
List of the current ICT courses offered in Malaysia are listed below:
1) ICT Certificate in Concrete Technology & Construction: STAGE 1 – Concrete Practice
The course aimed to give an overview for those starting in the construction industry and also for current practicing technicians, operatives, batch plant supervisors and concrete mixer operators/drivers to achieve a formal industry-recognised qualification in recognition of their success in mastering the basic objectives of activities in the concrete industry. The course content is in line with the ICT entry-level qualification Concrete Practice syllabus. At the end of the course, participants have an option to sit for ICT Stage 1 Concrete Practice examination. This course is also useful for current diploma students in any construction-related disciplines to enhance their knowledge in concrete technology. Successful candidates are eligible for membership of the ICT as Technician Members and are entitled to use the designatory letters TechICT after their names.