Advance BIM Connect

Advance BIM Connect

GRAITEC BIM Connect is a powerful free extension for Autodesk Revit Architecture and Autodesk Revit Structure that provides bidirectional intelligent BIM model sharing with GRAITEC analysis products, and includes revision control and tracking.

GRAITEC BIM Connect also enables basic import and export capabilities using recognized industry formats IFC, CIS2, SDNF and PSS to support all levels of interoperability across all disciplines.
When applied to a mature BIM workflow GRAITEC BIM Connect supports intelligent model-integration utilizing native products objects or families, thereby seamlessly aligning Revit’s descriptive model (LOD 400) with its counterpart analytical model in GRAITEC Advance Design or Arche, and corresponding detailed model (LOD 500 -better managed in products such as Autodesk Advance Steel) for bidirectional model sharing and supporting the transfer of analytical data to Revit.
